I was on the 26th floor in one of the most beautiful hotels in Makati City, Philippines. The city lights at night are blinding but beautiful in a weird way. I was holding my breath while looking out of the glass window. I didn't had the best week, I was a failure, I failed the exams, I was stressed out and I was crying like there's no tomorrow. It came to a point where there are no positive thoughts left in my mind anymore. My heart was beating so fast and I can feel that there is a dark cloud showering me with nothing but sadness. I wanted to jump out of the window and end up the miserable feeling that I was experiencing. I quit the job that was supposed to be a good step for my career but I was failing so hard even if I was studying like crazy and all the emotional feeling are unexplained. I had an emotional breakdown and I feel so helpless every now and then. After what happened I decided to go home and face my sadness alone. I was so shy and I can't even look my friends straight in the eyes. It's been a month since then but I was happy I did not let sadness consume me. I admit that until now I still feel down but this one month of surviving means a lot to me. So, what did I do? Did i take medications? Therapy? Here are the 5 things that I did to help me loosen up a bit and i hope will eventually put me back on my feet.

1.Have Coffee and Tea with your favorite companion.

It may be the most common way to relax but i assure that it really helps. A little chitchat with friends with a cup of coffee or tea will really distract your mind from overthinking. Have a mint tea or try my favorite loose leaf chamomile tea .

2. Watch inspiring videos/tv shows or movies. 

Yes I am so guilty of watching korean drama's and most of the time i love to cry my heart out while watching it. One of the most recent show that I watched is "Fight for my way". It's about 4 friends who's struggling in achieving their dreams and goals in life. I can relate in so many ways and didn't just distract me from reality but it also inspired me to do what i love and to be the best in anything that I do.

3. Dress Up 

I know what you're thinking that it will just be another way of cloaking what you feel but in all honesty it didn't. Dressing up and putting make up on maybe hard to do at first especially when you are depressed but when I encouraged myself to get out of bed and to put make up on I feel good. It feels right to be beautiful while doing the thing that i love the most.

4.Enjoy sweets but not too much :D

There you go guys just look how happy Yuka Kinoshita is! Do i still have to explain the happiness that food can offer? No! haha. It doesn't hurt to indulge on something that we love but we still have to put limits on it because diabetes is not fun!

5.Go to relaxing places 

This is one of the most effective way to start over again. Visit new places that will help you relax and will let you think how to approach life in a different way. It is ok to be sad but never dwell on sadness or it will consume you alive. Be honest to your friends ask them to help you heal and to let you vent out your frustrations. I know it is hard but life really has ways to make us feel down even if we already had plans for our future. Frustrations can be really tough but relaxing your mind and enriching your soul with ideas and inspiration will help you get through the day.

I hope this entry will help you in simple ways. Everyday is a challenge and it doesn't matter who wins or lose as long as we survive! Happiness can be really tricky and we obviously need it especially during our low times. So get out of your room and trying out one of this step might help you get through the day. Good Luck! :)


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